NewsDear Visitor, Kralendijk, Bonaire Kind regards, April 20th 2018 New work: "The Cycle of Life and Death" Mixed media on paper March 7th 2018 Gougondesign was at the Culture Market in Emmen to promote Intuitive Painting in Primary Schools. Ages 5 to 12 can participate. Januari 15th 2018 Thanks to all the participant who attended the Intuitive Painting workshop. These are the inspiring art works. "In Good Hands" Latest work: "In Good hands" Click for bigger image December 22, 2017 The workshop Intuitive Painting for adults starts on January 13th at the Public Library in Emmen. This class is already full, but if you want to be a part of the next workshop you can now reserve your place. Hope to see you at the next workshop! May 25, 2017 The participants in the workshop Intuitive Painting have fully been able to express their experience and creativity in their paintings. It's so wonderful to see the diversity and authenticity of the art that develops at each session. Thanks to Elza, Jannika and Judith. May 10th Do you want to know more about the workshop Intuitive Painting? Listen to the interview this afternoon at 17:15 at https://www.zo34.nl/player-radio (Dutch) Use your intuition! How? On Tuesday May 16 th you can attend the workshop Intuitive Painting at the Public Library in Emmen. The workshop starts at 13:00, lasts 2,5 to 3 hours and will be given by Geneviève Gougon van Gougondesign (Art Design Spirituality). If you want to attend, apply before May 10! Is the workshop full then you can attend the next one. Male or female, young or older...discover how you can awaken your intuition in this special workshop. No experience necessary. For more information: http://gougondesign.com/intuitievevorming.html E:mail: info@gougondesign.com – Tel. 06-57009445 May 10 th 2017 My exhibition in Restaurant Gallery de Kamer has come to an end. From May 1st the space was made available for the next artist to show her work. Thank you everyone for the positive reactions! April 3rd 2017 Today was supposed to be the closing date for my exhibition at Restaurant Gallery de Kamer, but we've extended it for a while longer. You are more than welcome to come and visit! Photograph with Martine Meijerink February 8, 2017 On Monday the guys from radio/tv station Zo!34 ( RTVEmmen) filmed an interview about my exhibition in Restaurant Gallery de Kamer. You can also find them on Facebook). Watch the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SUUfphcbYQ From left to right: Koen Vervoort, Lenny Kroos and Jarnick Hemel.(click for larger picture) January 26 2017 There are still places available to participate in the workshop Intuitive Painting in Emmen. If you want to experience something special, you can apply now by e-mail or give me a call. January 13, 2017 Exhibition - Gallery Restaurant de Kamer - Januari 9- April 3 2017 - update Listen to the interview (Dutch) in the radio program "Call it a Day" on Zo!34 for more information about the exhibition. Expositie
- Galerie Restaurant de Kamer - 9 januari tot 3 april 2017 Dear Art lover, From the 9 th of January until April 3rd Geneviève Gougon is exhibiting paintings, drawings and poems in Gallery Restaurant de Kamer in Emmen. Restaurant de Kamer is situated in a stylishly restored Saxon farm dating from 1864. This stylish historic atmosphere is the ideal place to combine good dining with beautiful art. Geneviève Gougon's work often times has an aura of mysticism with a profound message. Get to know her fantasy enriched and colorful paintings, organic pencil/water color drawings and poems. You will get a glimpse of the illusions and realities from life. You are more then welcome to come visit! For more information: www.gougondesign.com info @gougondesign.com, Telefoon: 06-57009445 Restaurant de Kamer Marktplein 7 7811 AM Emmen T:: 0591 61 81 80 www.restaurantdekamer.nl Oktober 18th A taste of the new website I'm building... Workshop Tasting Coevorden You are welcome on Saturday September the 12th at the Center for Development and Education in Coevorden for the Workshop tasting. Different companies will present the courses they have to offer in a short workshop. These courses will be offered at the Center. On Saturday most of the workshops are free. Gougondesign will participate with the following workshops: Walking meditation 12:00 - 12:30 more information (Dutch) Intuitive Painting 13:30 - 14:00 more information (Dutch) Het Centrum Ontwikkeling en Educatie Adres: van Eewijcklaan 6 7741 VX in Coevorden From: 10:00 - 16:00 For information: info@ontwikkelingeneducatie.nl Tel: 06-51342749 (Lieza Geuzinge) Click for the workshop schedule Playing is Believing - Exhibition A taste.... Press release (Dutch) Expositie “ Playing is believing“ bij Flier Art Gallery, Emmen Op zondag 3 mei a.s. start een nieuwe expositie bij Flier Art Gallery aan de Meubelboulevard in Emmen. Tijdens deze expositie exposeren vijf getalenteerde kunstenaars : Raimond Evers, Geneviève Gougon, Betty Jonker, Ninette Koning en Rutger Nieuwman. Zij presenteren zich met unieke creaties, die ontstaan zijn door een spel van vorm, kleur, lijnen, sfeer en emotie. Met het thema “playing is believing” hebben deze kunstenaars - met nieuwe of juist vergeten materialen - nieuwe “werelden” gecreëerd, bestaande in een ander daglicht gezet of het onzichtbare zichtbaar gemaakt. Dynamiek, vergankelijkheid, sereniteit, humor, vrolijkheid en diepgang wisselen elkaar af. De kunstenaars die aan deze expositie meedoen zijn: Raimond Evers laat beschilderde objecten 'kleurrijk werk' zien en fantasierijke assemblages uit de serie 'dingen de baas' Dit kunnen stukken plaatmateriaal zijn maar ook dingen als een wasknijper of theepot. Waar het overbodig geraakte materiaal bij het 'kleurrijk werk' eerst verstopt wordt onder een laagje acrylverf, laat hij bij 'dingen de baas' de dingen zien. Geneviève Gougon toont veelzijdigheid met haar beeldende kunst, meubelontwerpen en gedichten. In haar abstract-figuratieve schilderijen en tekeningen laat zij een vaak kleurrijk, intuïtief en organisch spel zien met thema's als transformatie, natuur en spiritualiteit. Centraal in haar werk staat de vraag: Wat is de essentie bij het wegvallen van illusie? Betty Jonker creëert met dynamische en volumineuze penseelstreken schilderijen waarin vrolijkheid en helder contrasterende kleuren centraal staan. Zo lijkt ze het onderwerp in een bruisende werveling op het doek te zetten. Haar werk verraadt een achtergrond die gebaseerd is op een brede ervaring met compositie en kleurgebruik. Betty Jonker heeft geëxposeerd in Parijs, Berlijn, Barcelona, Monaco, Mexico etc. en het afgelopen jaar in Vietnam. De werken van Ninette Koning gaan over de kracht van de eenvoud in de chaos van mogelijkheden. Ze hebben een bescheiden karakter, een groot gebaar en een poëtische kracht. Zij onderzoekt de continue veranderingen van de chaos en orde in de natuur. Haar land art installaties zijn veelal ‘site-specific’, geïnspireerd op de plek zelf. De materialen waar zij mee werkt zijn vaak natuurlijk afval. Rutger Nieuwman: maakt surreële droomlandschappen, geïnspireerd door de schaduwen en alles wat zich daarin afspeelt: de plaats waar werelden in elkaar overgaan. Door fotografisch materiaal te monteren creëert hij nieuwe beeldwerelden waar de toeschouwer steeds nieuwe elementen kan ontdekken. De expositie duurt van zondag 3 mei (tevens Koopzondag) tot en met 13 juni en is te bezichtigen tijdens de openingsuren van Flier Interieur. Cornelis Houtmanstraat 47 in Emmen Meer informatie Belevenissenmarkt Emmerhout Saturday 20 September- Gougondesign is at the Experience market (Emmerhout) with paintings, drawings and more. See you there! For more information: http://tiny.cc/zc9ulx Location Bewonersbedrijf "Op eigen Houtje" Lemzijde 87 in Emmerhout (school building) Klik hier voor meer info Gougondesign is ready for an update, that's why I'm working on a new website. Creatively I've taken a new direction by adding drawings of mystic mysterious worlds to my collection of art work. These drawings are not shown on the website album on this website, but you can see them all listed on the Exto website. On that website you can see which art works are available for sale. Do you want more information on an art piece or on how to purchase an art piece, feel free to contact me. I'll be happy to hear from you! 24 juni 2014 I have finished a new painting. For inquiries or viewings, feel free to contact me. Entering Eden Acrylverf op doek 100 x 150 cm May 8th 2014April 27th 2014Some of my new work Drawings on paperI had my article published in Curacao Chronicle. Read it online or click below for the PDF version. The Art of AwarenessPublished on March 10 2014 in Curacao Chronicle.http://curacaochronicle.com/community/the-art-of-awareness/"Visual artists or anyone who creates often reflects the world they live in into their art or creation in one way or another. For me this is no different. Through my paintings, poems and designs I reflect the world we live in but I also reflect the world that is not so obvious when looking only with our five senses. The spiritual world is just as evident as the world we see manifesting in our day to day life. Were we only able to see it......." January 30th, 2014 New pieces added to the collection for sale. Beholding the Wonders, 2014 29,7 x 42 cm Pencil on thick acrylic paper Januari 22nd, 2014 Digital art and drawings A new year, new roads to travel, new art. Besides paintings and the intuitive workshops you can also find digital art and drawings at Gougondesign. Prints De digital collages are available for sale at Saatchi online in different prints sizes. Click on the link below to take a look at the art. http://www.saatchionline.com/gougondesign New digital collages Digital collage, print Available at Saatchi online "Duck paradise" Digital collage, print Available at Saatchi online You can order prints from the paintings you see below from which the originals aren't for sale. Celestial visit Steady perseverance Or commission a drawing in the depicted style shown below with your specific personal subject. A3 size drawing on white paper Price 75,- € (excl. shipping cost)